February Block of the Month
#2. Churn Dash
Two-color block and finished size 12”.
Color #1: Lighter Color fabric.
Piece A: Cut 2 – 5” squares
Piece C: Cut 4 – 2 ½” x 4 ½” rectangle
Piece E: Cut 1 – 4 ½” square
Color #2: Darker color fabric.
Piece B: Cut 2 – 5” squares
Piece D: Cut 4 – 2 ½” x 4 ½” rectangle
Step #1:
Piece A:
- Mark a diagonal line corner to corner.
- Layer A & B Right sides together matching corners.
- Stitch ¼” from marked line on both sides.
- Cut on line. Press seam allowance open.
- Stitch other two pieces A & B following above directions.
- Using a 4 ½” square ruler, square up piece just created. Match marked line on ruler with seam line from corner to corner. Using rotary cutter, trim piece to match square ruler.
- Set aside to be use in Final Assembly.
Rectangle pieces:
- Using the 2 ½” x 4 ½” pieces, both colors, stitch one of each color along one of the long sides. This should make a block component that is 4 ½” square.
- Press seam allowances toward the dark fabric.
- Complete all four block components, press and set aside to be used later in final assembly